Introduction to the Public Speaking Series

I'm going to deviate from the original purpose of this blog by posting about public speaking instead of sharing stories. I joined Toastmasters International back in 2003 and they helped me a lot in learning how to speak in front of an audience. I am an introvert by nature but becoming a public speaker helped me make better presentations, how to conduct seminars and workshops, and accept speaking engagements. This series is intended for those fledgling speakers out there who are just starting or those who already have some experience but want to improve.

Just as a backgrounder regarding my experience. I joined Toastmasters in September 2003 but, even after joining, I didn't pluck up the courage to deliver my first speech until January 2005. How's that for being nervous? 😀

Once I got started, however, I began delivering speeches every month or two, and with each speech, my nervousness was slowly being conquered.

Conquering that fear, unfortunately, was only half the battle. You can get up in front of people and speak with confidence but if you can't connect with the audience, if you don't hold their attention, and if you don't touch them with your words, you might as well speak in front of a pile of rocks. So, learning how to speak is the other half of becoming a public speaker.

So this series of posts (it wouldn't be practical to put everything on one post), I'm going to give you tips for:
  • choosing your speech topic;
  • getting over the fear of speaking in front of people;
  • organizing your speech;
  • speaking with passion;
  • using words;
  • using gestures;
  • using your voice;
  • using props; and
  • inspiring people.

I'm not sharing this in my facebook page simply because I'm going to convert this to a video series. If people read this by chance, that's fine. Some people prefer reading to watching so these posts will be perfect for them.

Reading My Sales Report from Smashwords

This is part of my sales report from Smashwords. It says I just had $23.92 for the sale of eight copies of U-1215 (my best selling book). From that, my royalties are:

$14.36 (60%). That $-3.06 and $-0.54 are taxes, so my total earnings comes to $10.76. That amount will be transferred to my PayPal account around the 21st of June.

U-1215, I might add, is not really my favorite book but for some reason, it's selling very well. I could try making another book in the same vein (war genre) but not yet. I'm still busy making another book. I won't say what it is yet but I hope to finish it within the year.

Coffee Mug Makes Strange Noise

This is my coffee mug. When I make coffee and pour in hot water, it starts making this noise. Sounds like it's crying. 😄


The Future of Air Travel?

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Congratulations for being the first passengers of Auto Airways.

Right now, we are cruising at Mach 3 at an altitude of 60,000 feet. Faster and higher than any piloted passenger aircraft.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. This flight is the first for a fully-computerized passenger aircraft. What that means is, this aircraft doesn't have any pilots.

But no need to worry, this aircraft has all the latest in computer design and programming. You are all safe.

Nothing can go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...kzzzt.

How to Avoid/Reduce Feedback in Sound Systems

Principal cause of acoustic feedback Most, if not all, of us have experienced hearing that piercing whistle from sound systems. What cause...