
Showing posts from April 8, 2024

How to Avoid/Reduce Feedback in Sound Systems

Principal cause of acoustic feedback Most, if not all, of us have experienced hearing that piercing whistle from sound systems. What causes it and what can we do to minimize or eliminate it? There are several types of feedback but in this case, the proper name is acoustic feedback, the type of feedback that you can hear. In simple terms, feedback happens when the sound from the speakers enters the microphone/s, goes through the mixers and amplifiers, out through the speakers and back into the microphone/s. In the case of guitars, the sound from the speakers make the guitar strings vibrate, which goes through the sound system, out the speakers, and vibrates the strings again. So, essentially, the sound is going 'round and 'round the sound system. Feedback may be caused by microphones, guitar pickups, and other sound system inputs along with speakers. They can range in frequencies from a low rumble to an ear-splitting shriek. So, how can you prevent your sound system from g