Legend of the Moon is on Google Play Store!


Legend of the Moon is now available in the Google Playstore.

I decided to put it up in the Playstore because, first of all, the Playstore is not included in the list of bookstores that Smashwords distributes to. Second reason is, the Playstore is not included in the list of bookstores that Smashwords distributes to.

Okay, so it's obvious what the reason is. I don't have to give the third reason, right? (",)

Anyway, Legend of the Moon is my first attempt at writing a novel. I put in about six months worth of work into that book. I didn't even intend to make it into a book at first.

It started as a short story on my other blog. I was thinking, "I'll just make it three posts long, just three acts and it's done."

As I wrote the story, I began adding elements, other situations, more characters, and soon, it had ballooned into several posts. Finally, I decided I'd change it into a full length novel and deleted the story from the blog and rewrote it on MS Word. It took about six months of writing and a month or so of editing. Then I uploaded it into Smashwords and, there it was, my first full length novel.

It was while writing this novel that I discovered my writing style. I was a "pantser", someone who writes novels "by the seat of their pants". You get an idea, type away, and stop. You get another idea, type some more, and stop. Sometimes, you "get into the groove" and you type almost non-stop for several hours, the ideas seemingly flying into your brain like bats flying into their cave to nest. Sometimes, the stop extends for several days or even weeks before another idea comes up.

It's not very efficient but there's a certain element of suspence in writing this way. It's as if you're the reader instead of the writer. You yourself don't know what's going to happen next, how the story progresses, or even how it will end.

And that's how I'm writing this post right now. Write a paragraph, stop, write another one, and stop. I'm not sure how I'm going to end this. It'll come to me eventually.

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